Monday, February 25, 2013

Parent Teacher Conferences

Today is the first day of my parent teacher conferences. What do you do to get ready for those annual meetings with the parents? This is the second time I have met with parents, so I have a different agenda than the first time (I will post at a different time what I do for the first time I meet with parents).

During the second conference, my agenda focuses on what they have learned so far and what skills they are still struggling with. If I have not done so already, I would make a prescription plan to help any struggling students with goals for the end of the year. This plan is for student and parents to work on at home. I also fill out a form that discusses work habits and citizenship.

Finally, I share with them their district testing growth. In my school district we use the Acuity by McGraw-Hill. We test the kids three times. The first is half of the previous year, the second is more of the current year and less of the previous, and the third is all of the current year. It has this awesome feature that shows the growth from each of the tests.

I would love to hear what others do during their conferences!

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