Friday, February 22, 2013

Do the the fine! Ticket system in room 16.


   As you all know, every teacher must have something new in their bag of tricks to handle changes in student behavior. After the holidays, it always seems that the students have forgotten how to behave. It is the beginning of the year all over again!

  My little darlings have been especially chatty since their return to school, so I decided to mix it up with my Superstar program. The normal routine was a verbal warning and then if it happened again, they would lose a star (money in room 16). A loss of star would result in a citizenship mark on their citizenship card that went home weekly. I needed them to realize that their slacking off on the expectations was not going to be taken lightly, since they are very close to becoming 4th graders and should be acting like one. My answer to them was a ticket. I had created a ticket system that made them accountable for their actions. The ticket would be issued for the infraction and the student then would have to fill it out. The ticket is sent home that day. Just like real world tickets, there are fines to pay. If a student received a ticket for choosing not to follow the rules, then they would have to pay a fine of 5 stars. If said ticket did not return the next day signed by the student's parent, then the fine doubled in addition with a loss of a break. were given left and right in the beginning. Now, I would say I can go a whole week and only have to issue maybe one ticket. I call this success! I now have my sweet, respectful class again :)

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