Monday, June 10, 2013

Busy, busy, busy!

Soooooooo sorry for not posting in FOREVER! Life has been so hectic. Personally, my husband and I are finally going to be homeowners again! Along with end of the year craziness with school performances, closing up shop, and just everyday life I have not dedicated myself to this blog like I intended. My hope is to commit...we shall see. LOL!

ANYWAY... school has only been out for two weeks and already I have taken two professional development classes (I will share) and updated some of my back to school forms.

First, for my Mesa peeps. The first PD class I took was a suggestion from my lovely teammate. We took it together and let's just say, PD classes will never be the same after this class. It was so FUN! It was Children's Literature and Music. Look it up in ERO if you are interested. Those not from MPS, the focus of the class was integrating movement, chants, and music to children's literature. Granted a lot of the things were geared for Kinder and 1st, but I did get some cute ideas to get my kids moving when needed.

What I am going to share was my favorite part of the class. I absolutely LOVED the idea of adding a soundtrack to a book when reading it aloud. It really adds mood. The trick is to find the right song (instrumental) to match the theme of the book. It really can be done to most books, but lucky for you I am going to share some of the books and songs given to me in the class :)

 Tuesday by David Weisner - I use this book as a writing assignment. My kids LOVE it! If you have never seen this book, it is a story, told in detailed illustrations with only a few captions, about frogs that mysteriously rise out of their pond on floating lily pads as the sun sets on a Tuesday evening. The adventure takes the frogs into an unsuspecting town with a number of encounters with startled residents before dawn arrives. It won the Caldecott for a reason. The illustrations are beautiful. I first share the illustrations with the class walking very slowly around the room so all students are able to see the pictures. I am still on a mission to find this book in big book format. So far I have not been successful, but will post when I do find it because I think it would work better. Now the song that was suggested is "Ride of the Valkyries" by Wagner. This is the perfect song to set the mood of flying frogs. The writing assignment is for the students to write the story for the images. I repeat showing the images, going even slower to allow students to write in journals. The stories they create are wonderful! At the end of the book it shows pigs flying. You could do an alternative assignment and have kids write a story about pigs flying. I suggest only doing that assignment if your kids have had plenty of practice with imagery. Where as the book really assists with the visual imagery for word choice.

Another favorite book of mine is Click, Clack, Moo, Cows That Type by Doreen Cornin
I don't have a specific lesson to tie with this book, except sharing a fun read aloud :) The suggested song is "The Typewriter" by Leroy Anderson

For the Pre-school, Kinder, and even 1st grade teachers I have 
The song for this book is "Aquarium" from Carnival of the Animals by Saint-Saens. Great book for teaching sharing is caring :)

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Class Dojo

   It has been a while. End of grading period happened, then conferences, and then my husband and I
were busy buying a house! Things have finally settled down...a little.
   Today, I wanted to spotlight an awesome app I discovered in the Chome Web Store. It is called Class
Dojo. It is a classroom behavior management system. Every student has a cute little monster and you
click on them to give them positive points or negative points. You are able to customize the categories
that fit your classroom. Students are given a special code to create an account so they can see their
status from home and even create their own monster avatar. Parents have a code too. When they
activate it, Class Dojo automatically sends them a report of their child's behavior via email! What's even
better is I have the app on my phone, so I can mark positive and negative points on the go too. It really
helps keep lines straight and quiet moving from place to place. The kids love it. I highly recommend it
to any teacher!

Monday, February 25, 2013

Parent Teacher Conferences

Today is the first day of my parent teacher conferences. What do you do to get ready for those annual meetings with the parents? This is the second time I have met with parents, so I have a different agenda than the first time (I will post at a different time what I do for the first time I meet with parents).

During the second conference, my agenda focuses on what they have learned so far and what skills they are still struggling with. If I have not done so already, I would make a prescription plan to help any struggling students with goals for the end of the year. This plan is for student and parents to work on at home. I also fill out a form that discusses work habits and citizenship.

Finally, I share with them their district testing growth. In my school district we use the Acuity by McGraw-Hill. We test the kids three times. The first is half of the previous year, the second is more of the current year and less of the previous, and the third is all of the current year. It has this awesome feature that shows the growth from each of the tests.

I would love to hear what others do during their conferences!

Friday, February 22, 2013

Do the the fine! Ticket system in room 16.


   As you all know, every teacher must have something new in their bag of tricks to handle changes in student behavior. After the holidays, it always seems that the students have forgotten how to behave. It is the beginning of the year all over again!

  My little darlings have been especially chatty since their return to school, so I decided to mix it up with my Superstar program. The normal routine was a verbal warning and then if it happened again, they would lose a star (money in room 16). A loss of star would result in a citizenship mark on their citizenship card that went home weekly. I needed them to realize that their slacking off on the expectations was not going to be taken lightly, since they are very close to becoming 4th graders and should be acting like one. My answer to them was a ticket. I had created a ticket system that made them accountable for their actions. The ticket would be issued for the infraction and the student then would have to fill it out. The ticket is sent home that day. Just like real world tickets, there are fines to pay. If a student received a ticket for choosing not to follow the rules, then they would have to pay a fine of 5 stars. If said ticket did not return the next day signed by the student's parent, then the fine doubled in addition with a loss of a break. were given left and right in the beginning. Now, I would say I can go a whole week and only have to issue maybe one ticket. I call this success! I now have my sweet, respectful class again :)

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Introducing Ugly Duckling Images!

I have just completed my first set of clipart! Let just say, it is a learning experience! Drawing on paper is one thing, but to make a digital image of it and make it look worthy of purchasing is another. I would appreciate any feedback. I plan on making more soon, but in the mean time, if you have a particular theme you want to see let me know. I can even make a custom set by request!

The set I made are kids. You can purchase the set HERE!

It is only $1. I hope you like them. Be sure to come back a check for more sets!

Saturday, February 16, 2013

TPT - Teachers Pay Teachers

Do you like free things? DUH! Everyone does. Teachers Pay Teachers is a great site that has thousands of free things. It is also a great place to sell too. I have a few items here. When I say a few, I literally me a few. I am just getting started and hope to get more things up. If you have not had the chance to visit this great site, here is a link!

Who is Sharon?

Hi! I'm Sharon and I am the owner of this brand new blog. I am new to the blogging world, so bear with me.

Why did I start this blog? Well, I LOVE teaching. I have been a teacher since 1999. I have taught 5th grade, 6th grade, and currently teach 3rd. I have taught kindergarten and second grade summer school too. I felt that it was time I shared my experience with other teachers.

My plan is to post ideas to perhaps help a newbie teacher needing some advice. I want to post things that I have learned from others to pass that knowledge on. I want to share my file cabinet of resources that I have created and how I have used them. Finally, I eventually want to get my store some exposure. I am in the process of creating Ugly Duckling Images which are graphics for teachers to use.

I hope you enjoy my blog and plan to subscribe to my posts!